About VSporten 

VSporten is a system for storing, retrieving, processing and presenting different kind of sport data. VSporten's data is stored in a relational database type Oracle or MS SQL2000 Server. In team sports, VSporten handles information like sports, teams, players, standing tables, played and future matches, match results, match facts like referee, place of match, time, scorers, type of goals, period results, red/yellow cards, etc. In individual sports (single sports), VSporten can store results in sports like athletics, swimming, cycling, tennis etc. In single sports Vsporten has inbuilt a query tool for searching sport results by different kind of data: tournament data, participant data or other sport data (division, round or event data). All the stored data can be retrieved from the database and exported to 3rd party systems. Data can be exported in html format or in customized VSporten-formats.


System Requirements


VSporten client software can be installed on Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/2003/XP. 

VSporten server components can be installed on Windows 2000/2003/XP Prof

VSporten database can be either based on MS SQL Server 2000 or an Oracle database (Rel 8, 9 or 10).

VSporten client software communicates with the database by using ODBC and/or OLEDB connections. 



R.1 VSporten/DatabaseServer

    R.1.1 Hardware Requirements

        Processor Recommended 1GHz

        RAM Minimum 512MB

        RAM Recommended 1GB

        HD Space Minimum 20 GB

    R.1.2 Software requirements

        R.1.2.1 Database

            SQL Server 2000 or

            SQL Server 2005 or


        R.1.2.2 Operating system

            Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 Server or

            Microsoft Windows 2003 Server or higher or

            Microsoft Windows XP SP1 Professional or higher (SQL Server 2005 Express)

        R.1.2.3 Other software

    Microsoft IIS 5.0

              Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or higher

              Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (SQL Server 2005)


R.2 Vsporten/WindowsClient

    R.2.1 Hardware Requirements

        Processor Recommended Minimum 1 GHz

        RAM Minimum 256 MB

    R.2.2 Software requirements

        R.2.2.1 Operating system

            Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition or

            Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 Professional or

            Microsoft Windows XP/Home Edition or

            Microsoft Windows XP/Professional SP1 or higher

        R.2.2.2 Other software

            Oracle Client Software (if Oracle database is chosen in R.1.2.1)


R.3 VSporten/WebClient

    R.3.1 Hardware Requirements

        Processor Recommended Minimum 1 GHz

        RAM Minimum 128 MB, Recommended 256MB

    R.3.2 Software requirements

        R.3.2.1 Operating system

            Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition or

            Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 Professional or

            Microsoft Windows XP/Home Edition or

            Microsoft Windows XP/Professional SP1 or higher or

            Linux (only with Mozilla chosen in 3.2.2)

        R.3.2.2 Other software

            Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher or

            Mozilla 1.4 or higher


R.4 VSporten/WebServer

    R.4.1 Hardware Requirements

        Processor Recommended 1GHz

        RAM Minimum 512MB

        RAM Recommended 1GB

        HD Space Minimum 20 GB


    R.4.2 Software requirements

        R.4.2.2 Operating system

            Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 Server or

            Microsoft Windows XP SP1 Professional or higher or

            Microsoft Windows 2003 Server or higher or

        R.4.2.3 Other software

            Microsoft IIS 5.0

            Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or higher

            Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1


Vsporten/DatabaseServer (R.1) and VSporten/WebServer (R.4) can share the same physical platform (RAM minimum 1GB)

Windows based VSporten/WindowsClient (R.2) and VSporten/WebClient (R.3) can be running on the same workstation