VSporten/SingleSports (Rel 3.0)

The new release of VSporten (referenced below also as VSporten/SingleSports) now includes handling of individual sport types like bicyling, athletics, swimming, winter sports and many others . New powerful tools have been added to VSporten in order to provide an efficient way of processing individual sport results.




Architecture of VSporten/SingleSports supports SportsML. 


New query tool for efficient searching and retreiving of sport results.

Queries can be build up on three different types of data and any combination of them:

- tournament specific information like sport type, tournament type, season, sport area, place (country, city)

- division, round and event data

- participant and result data like type of record (world, european, olympic, etc), type of award (gold, silver and bronze medals, etc), participants nationality and name, sponsor, position within the event, rank, etc.

See the examples with queries below.


New feature for organizing queries. Queries can be stored as personal queries or can be published to other users  as public queries.


A feature which helps the user to organize frequently accessed tournaments/divisions/rounds/events. 

A tournament/division/round/event can be stored among frequently accessed items in the Personal Favorites. When the user registers to the system the users Personal Favorites will be loaded into the VSportens desktop.


An application for quick registration of results, records, championships, positions and many other events usualy stored in an older type of archiving method like card archive (see some examples by clicking here)



1. Organizing favorites in VSporten/SingleSports



2.  Working with tournaments

In SingleSports the user can work with a tournament in different levels like divisions, rounds and events.

Results are stored on the event level. In addition, metadata information like slugg, headline, start time, end time, place can be stored  on any level if needed.


3. Searching for tournaments and results

In this section the user will find some examples on what kind of information can be searched for and retreived from VSportens database.

In all the examples below it is also illustrated how queries can be named and stored in the system.

A query can be stored as a personal or a public query. This is controlled by the two checkboxes at the top of the menu. The user can assign names to queries or decide to let the system automaticaly generate names based on the queried data. Next time the user enters the menu, the stored queries will appear in the left hand side of the menu, in the area referred to as QueryFavorites.

Normaly, results from a query  will be sorted in a default order. But, the default order can be easily changed to any combination of sort fields (currently 16). The figure below shows the tool helping the user to change the sort order.


The figure above shows the default sort order. 

The default order can be changed easily:


The figure above shows how the results can be sorted in a non-default manner, in this example by result time and participants names. 

An example from the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000, shows an output done by applying the sorting order defined in the above figure. 

All results within division of 100 metres men, during the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000 have been sorted by result time and participants names.


Example: Searching for individual results 

In the example above, the user has listed all the results for Maurice Greene during the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000.


Example: Finding Tournaments

The query tool has many different applications. One of them is finding and opening tournaments/divisions/rounds/events which may in turn be added into the users Favorites items.

The example above shows how to find all international tournaments in Athletics with division of '400 m men' within the season of 2002-2003. Any found tournament can now be inspected from here by using Open Tournament function.


Example: Searching for world records in Athletics

In this example the user searches for all world records in athletics stored in the database. 


Example 3: Overall standings in the Tour de France


In this example the user searches for the first five (5) best bicyclist  within the overall individual standings in each division (etape/stage).


Example 4: Individual results in the Tour de France

In this example the user is searching for ALL  results regarding  a particular participant (Bertogliati) within the Tour De France (2002).


Example 5: Personal results in the Tour de France

The example above shows a search for all results regarding Bertogliati Rubens in each stage (individual standings).